How to avoid getting sick at the gym

As many South Floridian fitness enthusiasts are forced to exercise indoors due to the time change or cooler weather, many health clubs will inevitably become more crowded. Unfortunately, this also means that the average person will be more susceptible to illness. Most health clubs are already breeding grounds for all types bacteria, and an environment where sweaty bodies are in close proximity…

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How to Stick to Your Workout Plan

It takes 30 days or one month to form a habit. So, if you could stick to your workout plan for that long then it would become a habit and part of your daily lifestyle. So how can you get to those 30 days before throwing in the towel and giving up? Reward yourself for…

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Couch Potato TV Workout

Are you guilty of watching TV for hours at a time? I am. This is a simple routine that takes the guilt away. Pick at least three bodyweight exercises. For example: push-ups, sit-ups, & squats Watch TV. First commercial: Choose one of the three exercises and do as may repetitions as possible. b.When you can…

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Weight Loss Progress Keeps You Motivated

Dear Diary, Week one is done, and yes I’m still sticking to my 2,000 calorie diet. The Diabetic Food Addict is part of my box of motivational tools, but it’s not enough by itself. Sure I feel less bloated, yes my energy level is starting to rise, but I need concrete proof that beyond improved…

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The mental benefits of exercise

If you’re like most active people, the hours spent engaging in fitness routines in order to achieve the “physical” results we want may far outweigh any other goals.  But how many of us have actually considered how physical activity affects our brains? Many people find that exercise gives us an escape from our daily lives, often allowing…

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