How to avoid getting sick at the gym

As many South Floridian fitness enthusiasts are forced to exercise indoors due to the time change or cooler weather, many health clubs will inevitably become more crowded. Unfortunately, this also means that the average person will be more susceptible to illness. Most health clubs are already breeding grounds for all types bacteria, and an environment where sweaty bodies are in close proximity…

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Lose Weight Quickly!

For as long as you can bear it, eat only green vegetables with very few calories. You can eat them raw, bake them, sautee them, or blend them into a vegetable smoothie. But you cannot put any type of seasoning on them. Eat only green vegetables for as long as it takes to lose the…

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Pre-Workout Consumption

Before choosing what to eat before a workout, one must know what type of workout you will do. Whether it be cardio, weights, or any other form, specific workouts need specific foods, different amounts, at different times. For example, distance runners may want to eat pasta four to six hours before they run, this will…

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