It’s a new year! How many women made that dreadful weight loss resolution once again, but never find the time to fulfill it? Hours in the gym, harsh diets, and weight loss supplements are not necessary for you to shed those extra pounds you’ve been talking about year after year.
All it takes is just dedication and 20 minutes out of each day. You can’t go wrong with aerobics, but its just a matter of what type of aerobics best suits you and your lifestyle. For example, water aerobics, dance aerobics, low impact aerobics, and even kick boxing are great exercises to get your heart rate going, calories burning, and also to keep your health in check.
Depending on what you want to do, look in your local community paper to find classes, or you can even get a video and do it at home. It’s always better to bring a friend because more work gets done, there’s encouragement, more likely to complete the 20 minutes, and lets not forget it’s more fun!
Before you know it, your weight loss goal would have been accomplished. Who knows, you may want to keep going! Remember, all it takes is dedication, and 20 minutes a day. No more excuses, it time to take control!