Leap into spring with a Kangoo Jumps class at Cheeky Fitness

Want to leap tall buildings in a single bound?  No problem. Take a Kangoo Jumps class at Cheeky Fitness Pole Dancing and Fitness Studio –your new superhero headquarters in Royal Palm Beach– and get a phenomenal workout.

According to Michelle Marton, Cheeky Fitness studio owner and certified Kangoo Jumps instructor, “I’m all about alternative and fun fitness, and Kangoo Jumps is a ton of fun and gets you fit.  “We are excited and happy to share that Cheeky Fitness has been asked to participate in the South Florida Kangoo Jumps team,” she said.

What is Kangoo Jumps?

Developed in the 1990s, Kangoo Jumps classes have become a very popular non-impact sport, especially for athletes on the mend. As the name implies, participants can literally bounce around like Kangaroos with the use of Kangoo boots (also called “rebounders”) . High impact exercises like running or jumping are effortless and easy on the joints, making it the sport of choice for many fitness enthusiasts. The boots are very versatile, and can be used on just about any surface.



What does a Kangoo Jumps class involve?

Simple choreographed routines follow a warm up and a stretch, says Marton. Jumping jacks, jogging in place and pendulums may be included in the workout. Participants can go at their own pace by curtailing the workout to fit their goals. The class concludes with strength conditioning exercises.

What are the benefits of a Kangoo class?

Increased energy, weight loss, and a cardio workout like no other is what you can expect to get from a Kangoo Jumps class. According to Marton, “Kangoo is a total body workout. “We tested it, and burned 500 calories in only 30 minutes. “Of course this will vary with every individual, but it works, and you don’t have to be fit to begin the Kangoo journey.”

When are the classes and how much is it?

For a mere $20, participants can take an hour long Kangoo Jumps class at Cheeky Fitness, which is generally held on Sunday afternoons. Classes are held either indoors (with a minimum of 20 participants) or outdoors, weather permitting. Participants are urged to reserve a class online to guarantee a space in the class as well as Kangoo boots.

How much are the Kangoo boots and where can they be purchased?

Participants can purchase Kangoo boots from Cheeky Fitness here and receive a 5 percent discount towards the purchase. Additionally, a $50 “Cheeky Bucks” gift card towards any of the studio’s various classes is included. Rental boots will be offered soon.

With a “Kidz Kangoo” class on the horizon, Marton encourages children six and over to participate in the fun.  A mother of two and an avid child obesity proponent, Marton is pleased with the class’s overwhelming response: “Everyone loves to Kangoo, especially the little ones. “They jump like baby kangaroos, or as they like to say, it’s trampolines for my feet.”

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